The research team participates in the creation of original results of the identification of changes and processes in the physical use of landscape, including the modelling of selected physical-geographic processes (floods, avalanches, landslides, etc.) in a sophisticated environment of special software applications.
Moreover, an explicit part includes the modelling of time-spatial behaviour of selected structural and process characteristics of the landscape (physical state of land use and its changes, hydrological, geomorphological characteristics, etc.) based on modern methods of field research and application of geographic information systems.
The research is carried out at various hierarchical levels ranging from local (valleys, micro-watersheds) to regional (selected regions of Slovakia) or supra-regional (Slovakia, Central Europe).
Research specialization: Physical-geographic analysis, mapping and assessment of the landscape system and its changes for knowledge and practical purposes
Team leader: prof. PhDr. RNDr. Martin Boltižiar, PhD.