Thermophysical Laboratory

Research Focus

The Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis Research Group is focused on the application of data mining methods in different application domains like web or learning analytics.

Our Mission in Research

Effects of Toxins, Drugs and Nutrients on Bone Tissue and Cells
Our broadest research area includes microstructural analyses of bone tissue and molecular analyses on cultivated bone cells after exposure to hazardous substances (heavy metals, toxins), drugs (amygdalin), as well as unprocessed or processed food ingredients (alcohol, acrylamide).

Genetic and Pharmacogenetic Research of Osteoporosis
We study genes that affect bone structure or function and try to use them to predict the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis development. We also investigate genes influencing the efficacy of disease therapy that could be used to determine the appropriate type of treatment.

Structural and Molecular Research of Historical Bones
Based on structural and molecular analysis of historical bones we are able to identify the biological species, pathologies or to determine the age of the individual at the time of death. We also discover the origin of individuals and relationships between populations in the past.

The Most Important Outcomes

We have developed a new method of species identification from bones

The publication presenting the method (Martiniakova M. et al. 2006. J Forensic Sci, 51: 1235-9) was recommended by the prestigious Oxford Bibliographies database as the basic literature for scientists and students from around the world in the field of bone histology; this method has thus become one of the technologies that have greatly influenced the global development and direction of bone histology research.

We provided worldwide the first exact evidence of osteoporosis in archaeologically recovered animal bones

We confirmed an early stage of osteoporosis using microstructural analyses in sheep femur of medieval date (8th -9th century). (Martiniaková, M. et al. 2008. Archaeopress; Oxford, 87-94).

We have revealed the effect of specific polymorphisms in the ESR1 gene on the effectiveness of osteoporosis therapy

This genetic test may be used in prediction of the effectiveness of hormonal therapy (17ß estradiol/progesterone), as well as SERMs/raloxifene therapies in patients with osteoporosis (Mondockova V. et al. 2018. BMC Med Genet. 19:174).

Our Mission in Education

We use our laboratory facilities and equipment also in education. Our biology and molecular biology study programs focus on modern trends: biomedicine, biotechnology and biodiversity, where modern technologies are indispensable.

We use both standard and state-of-the-art molecular and imaging technologies, including DNA sequencing and new generation sequencing, microarrays, PCR techniques and electrophoresis, micro-computed tomography, microscopy, cell cultures.

The ability to work on top-of-the-range devices and to learn modern methods provides our students a competitive labor market advantage in laboratory experience and knowledge.

Our Mission in Practice

 Testing of New Drugs for Osteoporosis and Diabetes Treatment
We test new medicaments for the prevention and treatment of human diseases using imaging methods.

Analyses for Archaeozoology and Forensics
We apply microstructural methods to identify biological species, age at the time of death, or pathologies.

Pharmacogenetic Analyses of Osteoporosis Treatment Efficacy
We analyse genes affecting the efficacy of osteoporosis treatment by hormonal therapy and raloxifene.

Our Research Team

The research team of the laboratory consists of scientists and PhD. students from the Department of Botany and Genetics and the Department of Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia.

Radoslav Omelka
Radoslav Omelkaprofessor and head of the lab
Research fields: study of genetic variability in associations with bone-related traits and diseases, microstructural 3D analysis of bones, molecular processes in cultivated bone cells (osteoblasts) E-mail:
Monika Martiniaková
Monika Martiniakováprofessor
Research fields: microstructural 2D and 3D analyses of cortical and trabecular bone tissues with applications in biomedical research, biotechnology, toxicology, nutrition and forensic sciences E-mail:
Mária Bauerová
Mária Bauerováprofessor
Research fields: study of ancient DNA (isolated from historical skeletal material) and its application in a reconstruction of past population changes, and identification of genetic relationships between individuals E-mail:
Vladimíra Mondočková
Vladimíra Mondočkováassistant professor
Research fields: study of genetic variability in associations with human osteoporosis, analysis of genes affecting oteoporosis treatment efficacy, molecular analysis in cultivated bone cells E-mail:
Ramona Babosová
Ramona Babosováassistant professor
Research fields: microstructural analysis of bone tissue, determination of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of bone tissue with applications in biomedical research and forensic sciences E-mail:
Veronika Kováčová
Veronika Kováčováassistant professor
Research fields: microstructural analysis of bone tissue, determination of 3D parameters of bone tissue with applications in biomedical research, molecular analysis in cultivated bone cells E-mail:
Patrik Šranko
Patrik ŠrankoPh.D. student
Research fields: microstructural and molecular analysis of bone tissue, determination of 2D and 3D parameters of bone tissue with applications in biomedical research, in vitro cultivation of osteoblasts E-mail:
Jana Blahová
Jana BlahováPh.D. student
Research fields: microstructural and molecular analysis of diabetic bone tissue, determination of 2D and 3D parameters of bone tissue with applications in biomedical research, in vitro cultivation of osteoblasts E-mail:
Martina Bábiková
Martina BábikováPh.D. student
Research fields: microstructural and molecular analysis of bone tissue after nutrient supplementation, determination of 2D and 3D parameters of bone tissue, in vitro cultivation of osteoblasts E-mail:

Our Technology and Equipment

Contact Person

prof. RNDr. Michal Munk, PhD.

Department of Informatics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1
949 74 Nitra
Call: +421 37 6408 672

Lab Location

Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis Research Group
Department of Informatics
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Trieda A. Hlinku 1, Block E
949 74 Nitra

Useful Links

Project FALSIN - Fake Information on the Web - Identification, Content Analysis and Emotions

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